Uinvest innovative feature allows potential investors to become shareholders in a business with just a few mouse clicks. Investors can also check the performance of the business, financial study, interact with other investors, buying or selling stocks and even business management decisions. All online, in real time mode.
In UInvest you can become the owner of a business. UInvest is a market where business owners and investors meet. Here you can be a co-owner businesses. You can buy shares and get dividends every month. You can trade stocks with other investors, bought or sold in real time like in the stock market. UInvest not a financial advisor, we are giving you the opportunity to invest, choose the project you want, decide how much you want to invest and build your investment portfolio.
United States of America Uinvest,
Inc. 9595 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 900 Beverly Hills,
CA 90212 Toll Free:
1.800.861.UINVEST (1800 861 8468)
- U.S. and Canada 310 860 6971 Phone number
Ukraine Uinvest LTD Ukraine, 04116 Kiev Melnikova, 83
Phone number 0-800-500-179.
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